About Our Church

Kingdom Place is a Christ Centered, Bible Believing, Spirit Filled Congregation.

We are a Multi-Racial and Multi-Cultural Church that Loves God and Loves People!

Celebration Worship Services

Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am

Wednesday Night Connections

Wednesdays at 7:15 pm

A Place That You Can Belong

Come out and enjoy a powerful worship experience with Contemporary praise music, dynamic Biblical preaching, a Divinely anointed atmosphere and really happy Christians.  The dress is casual, the welcome is warm, and the people are real!

Impacting Our Community

We are a Regional Church, an Army of Believers, Dedicated to World-Wide Evangelism and Whole-Hearted Discipleship in the Strong Name of Jesus Christ!  We are reaching out to All People with God’s Vision, in Christ’s Love, through the Spirit’s Power, with the Bible’s Message!

Our Mission

Our Goal is to Connect People with God for Success in Life! We want to change forever the way you feel about Sunday!



The Lord’s Day is about fellowshiping with God’s people and experiencing God in Worship, enjoying His Presence, sensing His Power, and receiving His Blessings into our lives.  It’s about growing in His likeness and then going out into this world as Salt and Light making a positive difference in people’s lives.

Church Location

2610 East 5th Street
Lumberton, NC 28358

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 3771
Lumberton, NC 28359

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